How to Increase Ticket Sales for Your Spring Musical

When planning for the spring musical, it’s important to remember that a marketing and ticketing strategy will ensure that you generate as much revenue as possible! Now’s the time to get your ticket sales ready.

Tell your guests how to get tickets

When promoting your upcoming show remember to always include information about how to purchase tickets. Having a QR code on every show poster or a link on every social media post will make it easier for your guests to purchase tickets and support your show.

Put your tickets on sale early

Digital ticketing makes ticket sales more accessible to your audience. Make sure you give your guests plenty of time to purchase their tickets. Tickets should go on sale at least a few weeks before opening night.

Give cast and crew early access

With HomeTown, you can use Presale codes to allow cast and crew early access.You can use a unique one-time-use Passcode to allow teachers to redeem just one complimentary ticket across all performances. Season Tickets can be used to allow your guests to purchase tickets for all performances in one transaction.

Keep tickets on sale through curtain

It’s important to keep your tickets available for sale through the curtain, or even 15 minutes after. With HomeTown, your box office inventory is always live and your guests can quickly receive their digital ticket before scanning it at the door. Keeping tickets on sale as long as possible streamlines your box office line and reporting while increasing sales.

To learn more about HomeTown’s platform set up a demo with our team. They’ll work with you to answer any questions you have and share the features that will most benefit your program.


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