When schools or organizations use HomeTown Ticketing, their fans have two fast and convenient ways to purchase their digital event tickets ahead of time.

Get Tickets Online
When fans are looking for tickets to events, they can go directly to the school or organization website. HomeTown provides schools and organizations with a website embed with their branding and school colors. This means that fans don’t have to navigate away from the school or organization website to get their tickets, and the website retains all of the web traffic.
Events are displayed within the website embed. From there, fans choose the events that they wish to buy tickets for. Then once fans have chosen their event, they select the type of ticket and number of tickets they wish to purchase. As a final step, fans submit their payment details and confirm their purchase.
Once fans have purchased their tickets, they can download the PDF ticket directly from the confirmation page. They will also receive their tickets as a PDF via email. This PDF can be printed and brought to the gate to be scanned or saved to a mobile device.

Get Tickets in the HomeTown Fan App
The HomeTown Fan App is another great way to get tickets ahead of game time by conveniently purchasing and storing your tickets in your smartphone or tablet. The Fan App is available to download in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
Related post: Why Choose HomeTown Ticketing?
Once downloaded, fans simply open the app and search for the school or organization. Then, they select the event they wish to purchase tickets for from the list of events hosted by the school or organization. The event details will display and fans will see a “Buy Tickets” button. This brings them to the various ticket options and leads them through the easy check out process.
Tickets are then stored within the Fan App, making it easy to always see your tickets to upcoming events and find them for scanning at the gate. The Fan App also allows users to share tickets to other members of their family or with friends. Fans can also favorite schools so that they can easily friend their home school and those schools or organizations whose events they frequent.

Save Favorites

Choose Event

Both of these methods are fast, easy to access, and make it simple for fans to get their tickets to events!